Thursday, 26 December 2019

Salesforce Evergreen functions (Server less functions) - Open Sourcing

Hi Folks,

As another year is ticking down and going towards another shiny year ahead. I am sharing this post for salesforce beginners and not for the experts(Are you an expert think again 🤔🤔🤔) who are keen to know what is happening around Salesforce world. Yes, I say world where we are people helping each other as a community which is thriving to learn and prosper.

Let me start with Dreamforce 2019!  It was fabulous. No No don't judge, I didn't got a chance to visit, but I know it was an awesome event.

Salesforce had a spectacular event this year in November 2019 at  San Francisco, US. Around 170,000 attendees across the globe. It took all over the SF and salesforce had to bring ships at the port to accommodate the people. 

Well, there is lot you can read about salesforce event Dreamforce '19 that happened last month online. 

Its been again a long time I have shared or written any blog post. One of my colleague mentioned me about EverGreen functions and the competition ahead for developer like us. 

Yes, Evergreen 🌲🌲🌲 function yeah , you heard that right. 

Salesforce has opened the doors for not just apex coding but also for the developers working on core technologies like Java and Nodejs. 


If you are a Salesforce developer then you must gear for more competition and yes of course, never ending learning , which is good for career growth. 


EverGreen Functions

Evergreen functions are going to be a game changer altogether and the way developers are actually coding. 

 These Evergreen functions will be manged by Kubernetes (another open source tool), we will get on this later, which will be a big treat for our Java developers and of course Node.js developers. 
It is going to be a competition and a big scope of learning for salesforce developers.
Now, as per salesforce Evergreen functions will be very much a follower of Architectural design patterns.

I would like to talk about few of which Evergreen functions are capable of and supports . I have just listed few of them below:-

  • Function as a Service:- Obviously, the logic of your application and processing the events will not be depending only on Apex, rather it will use the same packaging methods of apex for JAVA and Node js also. These evergreen functions can be directly called from apex or from Platform events if we have java or node Js (which has one of the best library for push Notifications).
  • Microservices:- The word micro-services is in itself is says a lot and if we add another term 'Serverless' to it. Writing all the HTTPs application with a serverless function just Imagine! Yes, the elasticity we usually talk about in our small applications. Yes, we can manage these small apps for our Dev teams easily. 
All of these information can be found on Developer Key Note

As a developer, for me these are very exciting times to move ahead in career and learn what is all happening in development. 

I seriously think Salesforce has opened gates for us to learn more and develop the applications in the most standard way for our business. 

With note I would love to end this post, and a promise to keep sharing, demystifying and learning more about Evergreen functions., till then keep learning :) and coding :).

Note:- This is just an introductory post for Evergreen functions.


Merry Christmas

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