Wednesday 24 April 2019

IOT+Salesforce - Raspberry pie(Introduction) with Salesforce

Hi Folks,

I have taken a round of the sun and I reach here. Kidding! its more than 12 months I have written any blog. So here we go.

IOT- Salesforce + Raspberry pie

Internet of things (IOT) is going to be most talked and hyped topic this year . WHAT! Am I sounding like a visionary LOL :P. 

Lets get to the business. Internet of things in simple terms everything you see around will be going to be connected to internet. Yes, but how salesforce is looking at this currently, lets have a look. 

I am going to share a video in this one , actually series of videos from now on. 

Happy coding !! 

Note :- Its just and introductional video. I ll be soon coming up with end to end blog.

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