Thursday, 15 January 2015

Trigger on Parent Object to copy the fields on its child record in Salesforce!!

Hi Guys!!

Its been long time since I have been here. My obsession with salesforce has taken next level.

Still, I love writing triggers. I know all these are very small triggers. But it may help beginners who are trying to connect to salesforce.

Anyways, lets start with another trigger(Only for beginners) .


I have to replicate a field of parent object to all its child records. It is very simple scenario for experience people.

Here is the code for you folks....

Trigger replicateFieldsOnChild on Parent (After update){
 Set<id> setOfParentId = new Set<Id>();
 for(Parent pt :{
 List<Child> listChild = new List<Child>([Select id, parentId from child where ParentId in: setOfParentId]);
 List<Child> updatedlistChild = new List<Child>
 for(Parent pt :{
  for(Child ch : listChild){
   ch.field = pt.field;
 Update updatedlistChild;

Remember :-  There are may ways of doing a job . You may find more simpler and efficient way. keep Exloring!

Happy coding 


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